aretha-franklin-Atlantic-Records-studio-billboard-1548-1014x553まだまだ各ジャンルのチャートに、幅広くランクインしているアレサ。展覧会がオープンしたり、伝記映画の話が進んだり、あとは詳細未だ未定ながら11月14日のトリビュートライヴも迫っています。もしかしたら急遽、晩年録り遺した曲などをClive Davis が纏め作業などに入ってるのであれば新作が急ピッチに出る可能性もあります。まずは彼女の偉大なヒット曲の数々、まだまだ心に染み渡らせたいと思います。

Artist 100
No.64 (Last Week No.31)
Aretha Franklin

Billboard 200
No.183 (Last Week No.105)
The Very Best Of Aretha Franklin, The '60s

TOP Album Sales
No.48 (Last Week No.34)
Gospel Greats

No.58 (Last Week No.35)
The Very Best Of Aretha Franklin, The '60s

No.63 (Last Week No.57)
Platinum & Gold Collection

No.83 (Last Week No.52)
Respect And Other Hits

TOP R&B Albums
No.21 (Last Week No.10)
The Very Best Of Aretha Franklin, The '60s

TOP Gospel Albums
No.2 (Last Week No.1)
Gospel Greats

No.7 (Last Week No.3)
Amazing Grace The Coplete Recordings

TOP Classic Album
No.7 (Last Week No.3)
A Brand New Me : Aretha Franklin With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra